In reading through the article, Bras in the 15th Century? A Preliminary Report, by Beatrix Nutz, I
noted that the linen of the extant bra was of two different weights/thread
counts. The main part of the bra was made
using a courser linen, the cups of a somewhat finer linen. I chose to recreate
this third version using similar weights of linen to the extant one.
A breakthrough came after the second version had been made. I wanted the cups to fit better and was having difficulty achieving the correct silhouette. I decided to use a modern bra as a pattern, cutting out a cup and creating a two-piece cup pattern. I labeled the pieces to avoid confusion.
Back.The cups are marked T for Top, C for Center seam, IE for Inner Edge, OE for Outer Edge, and B for bottom. This made piecing the cups much much easier.
The cups were sewn together using a backstitch, and felled to itself as opposed to the fabric of the cup.